Chicken Eyes Under Siege: Abscesses or Pus – Identifying the Culprits

Some diseases can cause mild inflammation in the chickens but your flock will survive. Other infections can kill all of your chickens because of the severity of the disease. Coryza can kill our chickens because it can transmit from one chicken to the others. Because the pathogen can move from one chicken to another, the transmission is high.

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Chickens Dying Suddenly? Reasons Why and Clues to Figure It Out (the devil is in the detail)

backyard chickens essentials

Why would a healthy chicken suddenly die? It died overnight with no symptoms… But is it common for chickens to die suddenly? It can be incredibly puzzling and disheartening to find a seemingly healthy backyard chicken suddenly deceased, especially when there were no noticeable symptoms prior to its passing.

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Backyard Chickens Lifespan Guide: Factors Affecting Longevity and How To Maximizing It

A chicken roaming in a dust bath

So I asked our veterinarian: How long do chickens live? And how can we keep them for longer? Keeping chickens in the backyard and making them part of the family is becoming more and more popular. However, like with all pets, the hardest part is knowing that one day you will have to say goodbye. Therefore, it really helps to know how long you can expect your beloved chickens to live and how to help them as much as you can. Read on for all the information you need on this topic.

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