Can I get backyard chickens? How many backyard chickens should I get? Is it ok to start with a minimal number? So, you are planning to raise backyard chickens. But you are confused about the number and other requirements. I understand your confusion. In this article, we will help you to address all your queries so that you can decide with a well-informed mind.
backyard chicken basics
Does Laying Eggs Cause Pain or Hurt Chickens? Unpacking the Health Impact
Laying eggs should not harm or affect the health of the chickens. This is how chickens are supposed to keep their species and population growth. But do eggs harm chickens?
Can You Feed Chickens On The Ground?
Chickens are reared for eggs and they also make healthy food with a lot of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, it is important to feed the chicks properly.
Are Chickens Allowed In My City? Chicken Laws of Selected US States
Please note: I’m a chicken owner. Not a lawyer. This is not legal advice.
Many people are beginning to see the appeal of backyard chickens. Not only do these animals provide fresh eggs, but they can also make fun pets. However, owning a chicken is very different from owning a dog or a cat. Not only are they a bigger commitment than the average pet, but they aren’t necessarily allowed all over the United States.
BOSS For Chickens: The Good, the Bad, and the Seeds – Unpacking Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
This is our deep dive into the world of Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS) for chickens. Ever wondered about the benefits and potential drawbacks of introducing these seeds into your chicken’s diet? This article provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about BOSS.
Discover the advantages that come with the vibrant plumage and enhanced energy levels, as well as the precautions to consider. As we unpack the pros and cons, you’ll gain a clear understanding of whether BOSS is the right choice for your feathered friends. Dive in and let’s explore the good, the bad, and the seeds!
Chickens Dying Suddenly? Reasons Why and Clues to Figure It Out (the devil is in the detail)
Why would a healthy chicken suddenly die? It died overnight with no symptoms… But is it common for chickens to die suddenly? It can be incredibly puzzling and disheartening to find a seemingly healthy backyard chicken suddenly deceased, especially when there were no noticeable symptoms prior to its passing.
Chicken Sand Bedding Alternatives – Discussion of Alternatives to Sand Bedding in the Chicken Coop
The goal of chicken bedding is to keep your coop clean and comfortable for your chickens, and several materials can accomplish that. Sand is a common choice, but are there alternatives?
Why do chickens need light to lay eggs?
Having chickens in your backyard can be a real blessing, especially if you like collecting fresh eggs. However, the issue of how much light is needed to have effective egg laying is always a big question. Take your time and review the top FAQ about why do chickens need light to lay eggs.
Chicken eggs layers FAQ: How often, what time and more
Like all other animals and birds, hens, too, like to raise their families and live with them. In the wild, they have all the freedom and time to lead their lives like any other ordinary bird. There is enough food that makes sure their bodies are fit and strong to go through the painful process of laying eggs.
Answers to 4 slightly off-topic questions about chickens
Do you own chickens? If yes, then you will know that they are a little different from other pet animals. In this article, we will be talking about some of the most off-topic questions regarding chickens.