Holistic Approaches to Organic Poultry Farming: Beyond Chicken Feed

In the tranquil setting of my own backyard, the soft clucks of my pet chickens often serve as a gentle reminder of the intricate balance of nature. But beyond the comforting sounds and the promise of fresh eggs, there’s a deeper narrative that resonates with organic poultry farming.

It’s a story of sustainability, harmony, and working with nature rather than against it. Let’s delve into this world and explore how organic poultry farming, backed by holistic approaches, is more than just about the right chicken feed.

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Egg With A Tail? Here’s What You Need To Know

Owning chickens for commercial or domestic purposes is fun. If you have been raising egg-laying chickens for several months or years, you have probably encountered different characteristics. The eggs of one hen may differ in colour, size, and shape from others. That is why backyard poultry raising is an exciting and fun activity where you can find lots of learning.

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Vent Gleet in Chickens – Causes and Treatments Options

Vent gleet is quite common in chickens. If your chickens are facing the same, then don’t worry. I am here to explain to you all the details about this condition and how you can deal with it. To know more about the symptoms of vent gleet in chickens, its causes or what can happen if it gets severe, read on.

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The Economic Aspects of Raising Organic Chickens

backyard chickens and kids

For many of us, the joy of raising chickens in our backyards isn’t merely the clucking and the fresh eggs – there’s an allure to the organic life. And while my own little flock of hens might be a hobby, for countless farmers, it’s a serious business. Let’s dive into the economic realities of raising organic chickens, weighing both the costs and the potential rewards.

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Mating Trauma in Chickens: Fainting and Deaths Explained

Why angry roosters die

Having a chicken faint or die after mating is worrying. The first time I saw this, I was very surprised and of course, worried. So I did a bit of studying.

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Optimal Sand Choices for Chicken Coops: A Veterinarian’s Guide

A chicken roaming in a dust bath

The presence of sand in a chicken coop is a valid concern. In the coop and run, most people utilize standard bedding products. Use straw, hay, or something similar to cover the flooring and nest boxes. Sand, on the other hand, is used by certain individuals as a flooring material.

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The Nutritional Differences between Organic and Conventional Chicken

As someone with a keen interest in journalism, and a few clucking companions in my backyard, I’ve often pondered the quality of chicken meat we consume daily. Is organic superior? Does conventional chicken fall short when it comes to nutrition? Today, we’ll dive deep into the science and studies that dissect the nutritional differences between organic and conventional chicken, and what it all means for our health and our palates.

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Black Spots on Chicken Comb: 7 Reasons and How to Investigate

Recently I discovered one of our girls had a couple of black spots on the chicken comb, so I called up our vet once again and get some reason I will bring to you in this article. Black spots aren’t a disease in chickens I learned. Rather, it is a symptom that your chicken is suffering from severe health issues. Being a chicken keeper, my primary duty is to keep my birds healthy. I check them every day to ensure they look active and comfortable. One of the best things about a chicken that I love most is the comb. It’s an important part of their body. And, is an indicator of your chicken’s health condition.

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Chickens Dying Suddenly? Reasons Why and Clues to Figure It Out (the devil is in the detail)

backyard chickens essentials

Why would a healthy chicken suddenly die? It died overnight with no symptoms… But is it common for chickens to die suddenly? It can be incredibly puzzling and disheartening to find a seemingly healthy backyard chicken suddenly deceased, especially when there were no noticeable symptoms prior to its passing.

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