DIY incubator for chicken eggs

The environmental benefits of organic chicken farming and the financial rewards and enjoyment that come with it make it a remarkable life and career choice. The question is, though, can all chicken breeds be organic? Some species of animals are more suited to organic farming since they have been selected for the unique features that they bring to the table in the field of agriculture. 

When raised as organic chickens, their disease resistance and perhaps superior meat and egg production make them a popular choice. If you’re a poultry farmer, I bet you’re looking for more info about chicken farming and many more. Stay tuned as we’ll be sharing more about this topic with you, including a DIY incubator for chicken eggs. 

How do you make a simple incubator for chicken eggs?

Step 1: Make sure you buy all materials needed first for the egg incubator

You need the following materials: Container, wire mesh, light bulb, pebbles/stones (optional), styrofoam, bowl, and sponge, fan.

Step 2: Creating a Proper Ventilation System

Each side of 7 inches should have three holes drilled into it, one on each side. The lid’s holes should be half the size of a pencil and spaced one inch apart on each side.

Step 3: Connecting All Wires

Using a 6-inch length of wire from the holder side, snip off a 10-inch piece of wire and connect it. The thermostat relay switches KO and K1 will be made using this wire. Connect the bulb holder and the plug. Use a 12v adapter to connect both the fan and the thermostat to the power supply.

Step 4: Putting the Pieces Together

The bulb holder may be secured in the box using zip ties. Adding a fan to the box is also an option. The fan’s airflow should be directed towards the bulb. Hot glue three wires together on the front box’s exterior. Place a bulb relay and wires for 12-volt electricity into the thermostat holes as soon as you’re finished. The sensor may be attached to the bulb using masking tape. Make sure the sensor is on the opposite side of the bulb.

Step 5: set up an observation window

The 3 inch-wide opening in the lid is covered with a 3 inch-wide plastic bowl top.

Step 6: Concluding Procedures

There should be a piece of cotton cloth inside the box for the eggs to rest on. Turn on the light and place water in a plastic dish beneath the bulb. There should be between 55 and 60 percent dry air in the room, and the temperature should be 37.5 degrees Celsius. Flip the eggs 2 to 3 times a day. On both sides, write the numerals 0 and X on the eggs to make the process of turning them over simpler in the future.

Tools and materials

A simple online search reveals a variety of DIY chicken egg incubators capable of hatching all kinds of eggs. If you’re going to tackle the job independently, make a list of everything you’ll need. Here’s what you’ll be needing for a homemade chicken egg incubator:

1. A well-insulated container

To maintain a constant temperature and humidity, the container must be well-insulated. Coolers for picnics, styrofoam containers, and even old refrigerators may be used.

2. A light bulb to warm it up

A standard 25-watt bulb may be fitted to a light fitting and tucked into a container’s nook with no difficulty. This is the most typical method of doing this task. 

3. Pebbles/Stones

Some pebbles or stones are needed to complete the look. Stones placed at the bottom of a container may assist in maintaining the temperature steady for a longer time.

4. Wire mesh that is both robust and simple to move

To keep the eggs and chicks safe, they must be kept away from the source of heat. If they don’t, they might be set on fire and die. The incubator’s materials might also put it in danger.

5. Styrofoam

A styrofoam container and a mesh bottom were used to build this handmade incubator.

6. Bowl and sponge to retain water and maintain humidity

All you need to retain water and maintain an ideal humidity level in a bowl and sponge. Always keep the dish out of reach of the chicks. They will drown if they get too near. When putting it on the floor, you should cover it with mesh.

7. Thermometer/hygrometer

Temperature and relative humidity may be measured using either a thermometer or a hygrometer, but they do so differently. Ensure that the instrument is as close to the eggs as possible if you want accurate results. Incubators made of still air are more prone to experience extreme temperatures.

8. A fan

Some models contain a fan (similar to a computer fan) that helps transport the warm air more rapidly around the house. Motors are sometimes used to construct rotational mechanisms. The eggs will have to be manually rotated if this step is not taken.

Heat and humidity

When making your first homemade chicken egg incubator, you should consider the right temperature to maintain and keep the eggs safe. Growing and hatching need highly particular conditions for chicken eggs. Temperature is one of the most essential considerations for incubating chicken eggs. Keep chicken eggs at a temperature between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit (99.5 degrees Fahrenheit is generally best), with a relative humidity of between 50 and 65 percent (60 percent is often considered the ideal). If possible, avoid storing the eggs in a container with a tight-fitting lid. As a result, their inside embryo will have the most delicate possible air and gas exchange with the outside environment.

If chicken eggs are properly incubated, they may mature into chickens in 21 days. It’s better to conceive that amount as a goal rather than a figure that can’t be changed. During the last three days of incubation, the eggs should be incubated in a somewhat colder (98.5 degrees Fahrenheit) and more humid (65% or greater) environment. Help the eggs to hatch by doing this. Lower the temperature to compensate for the excess heat produced by more significant embryos because of their metabolism. The chicks are less likely to become caught when they burst out of the eggshell when the humidity is raised.

Fire safety

As long as your DIY chicken egg incubators include combustible materials like paper or cardboard, the danger of fire will always be there. Making your own chicken egg incubators is possible, but it’s still recommended that you get assistance from a professional or check the internet for instructions. 

Making your own chicken egg incubators may be shown in any number of web videos. It’s also a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of fire safety and other forms of hazard avoidance. 

There are several steps you may take to ensure the safety of your poultry farm. If you’re already a fire safety expert at your farm, I hope you’ll be able to help other poultry farmers by sharing what you know about fire safety and hazard. 

Can you hatch eggs with a heating pad?

The question some of you are asking is, “Can eggs be hatched with the use of a heating pad?” Yes! When incubating your chicken eggs in this way, there are a few things you’ll want to keep an eye on. When using a heating pad, you’ll need to rotate the egg every few minutes to ensure that it receives the same heat. Getting a chicken egg to hatch is not an easy task, but it may be quite beneficial if done right.

If you’re using a heating pad to incubate chicken eggs, rotating the egg at least five times every day is needed. You’ll also need to check the pad’s temperature regularly if you have a good thermometer. If everything goes according to plan with your chicken egg, you should be able to see your first hatchling within a few days, depending on whatever chicken breed you have.

FAQ: Can a human incubate a chicken egg?

While the average body temperature for humans falls between 98.5 and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the average body temperature for a chicken is between 104.5 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimal temperature for incubating an egg is 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and the egg should be maintained at that temperature throughout the process. We are talking about work that cannot be completed by a human being. As a result, the obvious response is no.


That’s it, everyone! We hope this post has been of use to you somehow, especially if you are a farmer interested in making a DIY chicken egg incubator. If you intend to build your own incubator for your chicken eggs, you’ll want to make sure you have all of the necessary equipment and supplies on hand. When you are unsure about where to begin, you can always consult with experts online or seek professional help in your local area. As always, feel free to share your opinions in the comments section and let me know if this post was of assistance to you.