Best Chicken Poop Sifters: Cheap+Premium+DIY

A chicken poop sifter is a coop rake, a tool used to separate chicken waste from bedding material, such as wood shavings, straw, or sand, in a chicken coop. The primary purpose of a poop sifter is to make cleaning the coop easier and more efficient, as well as to maintain a healthier environment for … Read more

Ensuring Your Chickens Thrive: A Guide to Chicken Care While You’re on Vacation

A portable and playfull chicken farm

As someone who has navigated the waters of poultry care for years, I’ve learned a few tricks and tips that have made managing these delightful birds easier, even when I’m not around. Chickens, with their quirky behaviours and specific needs, become part of the family. So, naturally, ensuring they’re well taken care of in our absence is paramount.

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Accurate Dosage of Corid for Effective Poultry Care

Have you ever faced the heart-wrenching situation of watching your beloved chickens fall ill? Last spring, in my own backyard, I noticed my usually lively hens becoming lethargic. One by one, they started showing signs of distress. It didn’t take long for me to realize they were battling coccidiosis, a disease that can swiftly devastate … Read more

Chicken Hamster Ball – The Rolling Chicken Run

A chicken run is a fenced-in area linked to the chicken coop that provides the flock with all of the outside space it requires without roaming free. Many backyard chicken enthusiasts are required to think out of the box regarding the needs of their chickens. Have you ever seen a chicken hamster ball, or a rolling chicken run?

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Rooster Pecking Order Explained

If you own a flock of chickens, you may have noticed some roosters fighting. Sometimes, hens may even join in on a fight. Some chickens have left only the scraps after feeding time, having to peck around for leftovers. All of this is because of the pecking order. What is the rooster pecking order?

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First Time Baby Chicks Go Outside – Considerations And Precautions Week-By-Week

When you keep chickens, looking after new babies can be stressful. It is easier to have a hen that hatched the chicks as she will know how to look after them. She will naturally introduce them slowly to the big wide world. If you have hatched chicks in an incubator, you may be wondering when your precious brood can go outside for the first time. What precautions should you consider in keeping the chicks safe?

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