Cracked the Code: Why My Hen Paused After Her First Egg and How We Got Back on Track!

Incubating and hatching chicken eggs is fun

Okay, my chicken laid her first egg and then stopped. As an experienced chicken owner, I’ve navigated the ups and downs of poultry parenting with joy, curiosity, and a fair share of surprises. One of the most puzzling moments came when one of my hens, whom I’ll affectionately call Daisy, laid her first egg and then… nothing. No more eggs.

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Keeping Your Incubator at the Perfect Temperature for Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs prepared for incubator

Incubating eggs can be a tricky business for beginners. There are very specific conditions you need to maintain to ensure the highest hatch rates for your eggs. The window of appropriate temperatures is fairly small.

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Egg With A Tail? Here’s What You Need To Know

Owning chickens for commercial or domestic purposes is fun. If you have been raising egg-laying chickens for several months or years, you have probably encountered different characteristics. The eggs of one hen may differ in colour, size, and shape from others. That is why backyard poultry raising is an exciting and fun activity where you can find lots of learning.

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Chicken eggs layers FAQ: How often, what time and more

Chicken laying eggs on the ground

Like all other animals and birds, hens, too, like to raise their families and live with them. In the wild, they have all the freedom and time to lead their lives like any other ordinary bird. There is enough food that makes sure their bodies are fit and strong to go through the painful process of laying eggs.

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Are eggs from backyard chickens healthier? Yes and no – here’s why

Me wondering why are my chicken eggs not hatching

Eggs are such an integral part of daily life that there are facilities that focus on mass-producing such a commodity. These recent years and due to the exposed practices of egg producers, there’s a growing concern about the health impact of consuming mass-produced eggs. While most people would say that the jury is still out, there’s already a growing trend of producing eggs from your own backyard.

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What does pipped egg mean?

Pipped egg

A pipped egg refers to an egg that has been pecked out by a baby chick. When chicks break through their membrane, and then the eggshell itself, they start pecking little shell pieces out. The chick will be fully out of the egg within 24 hours of pipping. They keep pecking until eventually, they manage to form large cracks in the shell.

They keep pecking and they keep pecking until finally, at last, bits of eggshell begin to fall down. They do this until they are finally able to climb on out of their embryo and their egg. It is a lot of work for a little chick, but it must be done.

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How to maintain the perfect humidity levels in an incubator for chicken eggs

Chicken eggs prepared for incubator

If you are a hobby farmer like me who is proud of the chicken that you got from hatching, you know something about the humidity levels in incubators. Patience and care are the most important parts of maintaining the right humidity level in an incubator for chicken eggs.

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This is how long you incubate chicken eggs + what happens if you don’t

Chicken eggs prepared for incubator

If you own pet chickens, then incubation is something you will have to practice from time to time. Once your chicken starts laying eggs, you will want to see some chicks hatch, right? It’s a joy to have the number of chickens in your backyard increase.

So, the question we need to ask is how long it takes to incubate chicken eggs. The answer to this question is a confident 21 days.

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