How do chickens get pregnant? (Hint: They don’t) all about “chicken pregnancy” – witch actually is something completely different

A rooster does not get chickens pregnant but they fertilize the eggs

If you’ve ever lived on a farm you might know the answer to this next question (or you might not); do chickens get pregnant? It’s a question that many have pondered for a very long time because, if you look at most animals, they do get pregnant and they do have babies. But chickens lay eggs all the time that don’t turn into baby chicks, which leaves many a person confused, especially people who want to purchase chickens to keep at home and lay eggs for them as food.

In this article, Do Chickens Get Pregnant? we’ll take a look at this conundrum and try to answer that question along with several others. We might not be able to tell you which came first, the chicken or the egg, but we will definitely tell you how hens make eggs, and how roosters are involved in the process, so read on and enjoy!

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Is owning chickens worth it and cost-effective?

Eggs in a tray - Are the okay for vegans?

One of the first questions people ask me when they hear I have a flock of chickens in my backyard is, “Are backyard chickens worth it?” Here are some other questions that I am asked and a number of reasons I give people who ask me.

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Why do chicken eggs need to be turned in an incubator?

Chicken eggs prepared for incubator

Turning the eggs in your incubator is one of the most important parts of incubating. Hatch rate can significantly decrease if you do not properly invest in the time to turn your eggs every day for the first two weeks or so of incubation

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