How Many Backyard Chickens Should I Get? 1, 2, 3, 4…? How Many Are Just Right?

One of my chickens has worms

Can I get backyard chickens? How many backyard chickens should I get? Is it ok to start with a minimal number? So, you are planning to raise backyard chickens. But you are confused about the number and other requirements. I understand your confusion. In this article, we will help you to address all your queries so that you can decide with a well-informed mind.

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Garden chicken mental health explained: What You Need to Know About the Psychology of Your Backyard Chickens

Chickens have mental health as the really are quite smart

For most people, chickens are just chicken: Something to grab at a drive-thru on the way to or from work or a child’s soccer game. Lots of people eat eggs but don’t think about where they come from. This is by the way one of the reasons why I keep chickens myself. Keeping them healthy is an ongoing concern, and my chickens’ mental health is very much a part of that.

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Why Do Chickens Need Dirt?

A chicken roaming in a dust bath

Having pets needs a little compromise to accommodate them. Cats and dogs are a bit cleaner compared to chickens and ducks. A dust bath is what your chicken needs for its well-being. This means you need to have some dirt in your backyard, just for your chicken.

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