The Dark Side of Beaks: Preventing & Treating Black Spots in Your Flock

One of my most dreaded situations has been when one of my chicken’s beaks is turning black. As an avid chicken owner with years of experience under my belt, I’ve encountered my fair share of curious situations. But perhaps one of the most puzzling was the first time I noticed one of my chickens developing a black discolouration on her beak. If you’re finding yourself in a similar situation, you’re not alone. Today, I want to share my journey — from the initial shock to understanding and managing this condition.

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Cracked the Code: Why My Hen Paused After Her First Egg and How We Got Back on Track!

Incubating and hatching chicken eggs is fun

Okay, my chicken laid her first egg and then stopped. As an experienced chicken owner, I’ve navigated the ups and downs of poultry parenting with joy, curiosity, and a fair share of surprises. One of the most puzzling moments came when one of my hens, whom I’ll affectionately call Daisy, laid her first egg and then… nothing. No more eggs.

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Keeping Your Incubator at the Perfect Temperature for Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs prepared for incubator

Incubating eggs can be a tricky business for beginners. There are very specific conditions you need to maintain to ensure the highest hatch rates for your eggs. The window of appropriate temperatures is fairly small.

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The Environmental Impact of Organic Chicken Farming vs. Conventional Methods

Are chicks noisy?

With the rising demand for poultry products and a heightened awareness of environmental impacts, the question arises: How sustainable is our chicken farming? As someone who enjoys the company of pet chickens in my backyard, I’ve always been curious about the broader world of poultry farming.

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How Many Backyard Chickens Should I Get? 1, 2, 3, 4…? How Many Are Just Right?

One of my chickens has worms

Can I get backyard chickens? How many backyard chickens should I get? Is it ok to start with a minimal number? So, you are planning to raise backyard chickens. But you are confused about the number and other requirements. I understand your confusion. In this article, we will help you to address all your queries so that you can decide with a well-informed mind.

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Pee, Urinate, or Not at All? What Do Chickens Actually Do?

What chickens eat

Chickens are fascinating animals to study because they can be used as an example of many different things in biology. They are also one of the most popular pets around the world. In this article, I will elaborate on how chickens behave when it comes to pooping and peeing.

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Holistic Approaches to Organic Poultry Farming: Beyond Chicken Feed

In the tranquil setting of my own backyard, the soft clucks of my pet chickens often serve as a gentle reminder of the intricate balance of nature. But beyond the comforting sounds and the promise of fresh eggs, there’s a deeper narrative that resonates with organic poultry farming.

It’s a story of sustainability, harmony, and working with nature rather than against it. Let’s delve into this world and explore how organic poultry farming, backed by holistic approaches, is more than just about the right chicken feed.

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Egg With A Tail? Here’s What You Need To Know

Owning chickens for commercial or domestic purposes is fun. If you have been raising egg-laying chickens for several months or years, you have probably encountered different characteristics. The eggs of one hen may differ in colour, size, and shape from others. That is why backyard poultry raising is an exciting and fun activity where you can find lots of learning.

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